Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bears and Shamans (Shamen?) and Beers (Oh why?)

I love to tank, but I've been tanking for a long time, and there's only so much joy to be had from staring at a giant monster's crotch for three hours and bleeding all over the floor, so my raid leader graciously allowed me to bring my Shaman, Elutem on our Dragon Soul run last night.

Ladies and Gents, it was outstanding. I actually got to smash buttons and kill things! AND see the beautiful environment inside the raid. Special thanks to our main paladin Flint who solo tanked the first half.

We slammed through 4/8, and I grabbed three pieces of loot (WOOHOO!), then we came to Ultraxion, who actually requires two tanks.



With our full compliment of tanks, we saved the world from the Hour of Twilight and moved on to what had previously been our sticking point, Warmaster Blackhorn.

Stupid dragons, stupid adds, stupid purple swirlies....

So many deaths have we died to this stupid, stupid, stupid cow.

But this time...


One single attempt, and he dropped like a rock.

No small thanks to our fearless Mage whose dps went through the roof from previous attempts!

What a great night of raiding!


Sam Adams "The Vixen" Chocolate Chili Bock

This was a quite tasty treat, with just a hint of spicy acidity in the middle of a rich, frothy, malt-bomb.

I really enjoyed it, and am wishing that I had purchased a 2nd bottle :)

3.5/5 Stars


  1. Prettydead here.

    Nice to see you writing of your adventures with us. If by any chance you get to MN, I'll make you a homebrew sampler pack. Likewise, if I end up in AL, I'll bring you some.

  2. Mmmm, homebrews.... *Homer Simpson drool*
